


PentraSorb® CRP (Pentracor, Njemačka)visoko selektivni i učinkoviti CRP adsorber za vantjelesno terapeutsko sbižavanje C-reaktivnog proteina.

CRP is widely considered to be only an inflammatory marker, but there is substantial evidence that CRP also plays a key role in tissue injury in the event of inflammation. In such cases lowering the CRP level may prevent further tissue damage.

Za korištenje PentraSorb® CRP potrebna su dva uređaja: primarni, tzv. plazma separator i sekundarni, uređaj za aferezu. Terapeutska CRP afereza sa PentraSorb® CRP adosrberom izvodi se u nekoliko ciklusa, unutar kojih se smjenjuju uklanjanje CRP-a i regeneracija adsorbera.

Kliničke studije u tijeku i planirane:

• CAMI1 - CRP apheresis after myocardial infarction

• CAMCRO - CRP apheresis in Crohn´s disease

• CASTRO - CRP apheresis after stroke

• CAPR - CRP apheresis in acute pancreatitis

• CASIR - CRP apheresis in SIRS (post-op)

• CASPAR - CRP apheresis in Morbus Bechterew

PentraSorb® CRP:

• Visoko-selektivno uklanjanje CRP-a

• Učinkovito uklanjanje CRP-a

• Obnovljivi adsorber

• Višekratna korištenje (za istog pacijenta)

• Sigurno i jednostavno za korištenje

• CE oznaka

Selective Apheresis of C-Reactive Protein: A New Therapeutic Option in Myocardial Infarction? by Sheriff et al. published in Journal of Clinical Apheresis, 2015).

The aim of the trial was to successfully remove CRP from porcine plasma after AMI and to study potential benefits of reduced CRP level on the size of infarct area. From 5 animals CRP was removed by PentraSorb® CRP and additional 5 served as controls. The area of infarction was analysed by MRI on day 1 and day 14 after AMI. Porcine CRP levels were determined by ELISA.

Study concluded that selective CRP-apheresis significantly reduces CRP levels and the volume of the infarction zone after AMI. Additionally, it changes the morphology of the scars and preserves cardiac output (LVEF).

“Selective CRP apheresis significantly reduces CRP levels … “

“…it changes the morphology of the scars and preserves cardiac output (LVEF).”

PentraSorb® CRP može se koristiti kod:

• Akutnog infarkta miokarda

• Moždanog udara

• Reumatoidne bolesti

• Akutnog pancreatitisa

• Crohnove bolesti

• Sepse